Thursday, October 20, 2011


The opinion piece I read had to do with new tv shows being postponed a couple weeks due to the World Series. Kevin Rilley is in charge of Fox network and said “I’d prefer not to do it, but I feel we have shows that viewers will come back for." I do not agree with this because the two teams in the world series aren't big teams and is a waste to watch. This year was the year of the underdogs with the Yankees and Phillies being eliminated. If the Yankees were in the world series then I do not see a problem with postponing shows. It's the Yankees in the world series, fan or not everybody wants to see them play and win the title. Fox is the home of playoffs so I do think they should continue to have the world series being played but need to do a better job of putting new shows or returning shows on earlier or after the games.

Monday, October 17, 2011


This weekend I attended a little league football game at Rio Rico High School the two teams playing were the Cardinals and Raiders. I talked to the coach on the Cardinal side to see what he thinks of his team and what they have learned. " Our team has looked pretty solid this year and I hope it continues throughout year and years to come and they have learned how to hit the holes.", said coach Luis Rodriguez.

At 1:30 pm.- the Cardinals quarterback number 10 has rushed for a touchdown giving them a 7-0 lead over the Raiders. The Raiders also answered back with a 30 yard pass for a touchdown to number 80.

1:50 pm.- Number 10 for the Cardinals ran for a second touchdown giving them a 14-7 lead. Shortly after the Raiders have fumbled leading to another quick Cardinal touchdown.

While there was a few minutes I talked to a couple parents on both teams. The parents were happy to see their kids play hard and be active with not much to do in Rio Rico. They hope that their kids will be ready to play high school if they want too by getting some experience before heading in to high school in a few years.

2:30 pm. - The Raiders have scored on a 15 yard touchdown run by number 22 making the score 21-14. The Cardinals have returned the kickoff making the score 28-14 which would be the final.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Movie Review

Moneyball is about a former MLB player, Bille Bean played by Brad Pitt that is the GM for the Oakland Athletics and tries to Manage the team by going against the books to prove a point. I liked how they show all the work that goes into the point that you can win without stealing, bunting and swinging. If you ever wondered if it was possible this is the movie for you.  

Monday, October 10, 2011


Reading the story from the other day about the life of being a paparazzo doesn't change my mind about what I think about them. You have to respect what they do and all the trouble they go through to make a living. But I find them to be extremely annoying and will doing anything to get more than one picture of a celebrity. They go against having the right to privacy and wonder why celebrities only hang out with celebrities and not with normal everyday people. 

How Blogs Make Money

Blogs make their money by being involved in businesses because they want you to check up on if they are worth going to and if their stuff is worth buying. Most blogs don't make money because it's mostly a hobby for people outside of their work. If you need more info about how blogs make money you can click on the link and read the article and that will wrap it up.

Top Blogs List

1. The Huffington Post it's about what the site pretty much says breaking news and opinion. I like how it has peoples blogs on the left going down the page with news around the world in the middle followed by ads on the right side about popular shows and stuff. It is easy to read and navigate through.

2. TMZ it covers celebrity gossip and news. The layout of the page is easy to find things but it doesn't look like they update their stories. They have stories that a about a year old such as TO's overdose on pills and how he got rushed to the hospital sports wise it looks pretty old. For news it looks updated they have Steve Jobs and what he was about posted.

 3. Business Insider this blog says what it's about right in the name it's about business. They have different post you can click on to see what's going on in different business's as well as check up on the stock market.

4. Engadget this blog talks about electronics for the most recent stuff to older equipment and gives you a look at what might be coming out in the near future. If you are an electronic freak then this would be the place to go to check up on things and to see what's worth buying. The site is well organized and easy to find.

5. The Daily Beast is about what's going on around the world daily. They have a little section for the Daily Beast writers and further down the page are other blogs written by other people. It's pretty easy to follow.