Thursday, November 3, 2011

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning is doing his best to comeback this season after having muiltiple neck sugeries since last season. With Manning on the sideleines the Colts have fell to 0-8 and have become the new Lions this season. Manning hopes to return bring something good out of this terrible Colts team. I think Manning should take the year off and get back in shape and good health for next season. Soon he will be retired and the Colts will have to look for a new quarterback to lead this team. I also believe that this is good practice for when he his finished with football. The Colts need to learn to become a team and not let Manning be the Colts. He can't always be the reason why they win, it is football injuries happen. Teams need to work around them wheather it's their best player or not.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Class Interview Blog

On Thursday October 27th I interviewed Javier Pineda about being in journalism and his future with this career. He thought about going into journalism in his junior year of high school after deciding not to become a professional soccer player. He hopes to be able to write about soccer but would like to combine other sports so he has different topics. His favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi who he says is the best soccer player in the world the past 3 years. His favorite thing about the class was getting corrected on work and seeing what he needs to improve on. "Since it's my future if I really want it I need to work hard." Pineda still has to do his interview but said, " If it wasn't for journalism I would still be shy." Pineda seems to have his life on track and if he continues his hard work he will succeed in his journalism dream.